
A Lesson Learned

Today I sat and realized how fast the days are flying by me. In just a couple short months I will be celebrating my 21st birthday. Weird. A day that I have been waiting and waiting for, to finally be considered an adult... then I realized I don't have much to show for it. Yes, I live on my own, I pay for my own things, I have my baby girl Tina (my Mazda3 ha), but there are a few things that I don't have to show, that I wish I did. Where have I been? What have I seen? What have I learned? This is when I see how scary it is to officially grow up and not know where I am headed.

A few lessons learned...

1. It is too easy to base life on money. If we don't have money, we don't get to do things we enjoy, or things we think we would enjoy. WHY?! I see in the lives of the few that have already learned this lesson, that there is never a limit to what you can do if you put your mind to it and stop making excuses. Why let money be the one object that rules the decisions you make? There is always another way. Life is meant to be lived, so live it!

2. Education is a beautiful thing. You can always lose material things, but no one can ever take your knowledge from you. Appreciate the opportunity you have to attend school, to learn and grow as a human being through the art of knowledge!

3. "Don't it always seem to go, that you don't know what you've got til it's gone.." Never a truer statement. 2008 has been filled with a lot of disappointment, but it has also been filled with a lot of life changing experiences. Experience that I needed to grow as a person, experience that has made me stronger, experience that has taught me more about myself than I could have learned any other way. It is hard to admit, but I have found benefit to sorrow. I just had to keep breathing! We all get down in life, but what defines us is what we do to get back up.

4. Regret. There is no room for it in life. We put so much time, so much energy into worrying about what we could have done, what we didn't, what we should have done, what we couldn't. Why waste time upset over time wasted? No Regrets!

5. Sometimes what you wanted isn't quite what you'd expected. Don't let it be a let down, don't just walk away. Give it time. But if time doesn't help you to be happy, change something fast. If what you expected and what you got are the same, stick with it. Expectations can ruin anything and if they do, move along, find something new. Keep your chin up.

6. Don't make an overnight decision that will determine your entire future. Give thoughts, people and change time. Consider the fact that you, too, may need to change and do it humbly.

7. Don't let hearts break, unless yours is breaking from keeping others in one piece. Sometimes you have to be selfish to keep yourself whole. But, be careful, for it is said, "A love lost is a life lost", and I couldn't agree more. But remember, Love isn't about what you say, it's about what you do!

8. "Never put off enjoying the moment. Eat the good chocolate today. Wear your new socks today. Don't save the best for last!" I wish I knew the wise woman that said these words.

9. Don't wait for your future to come, you have to reach out and grab it before its gone.

10. You can have anything, but you still wont have everything unless you live and love for your Father in Heaven!

What have I learned lately?
Friends mean everything,
Family means more,
Someday happiness WILL find each of us,
If we let it.


Courtney J said...

Welcome to the fab world that is blogging!

Kristi said...

Welcome to blogging. It's lots of fun. Seems like you've learned lots of good lessons. I can't believe you're almost 21! Hope you're doing well!

Mallory said...

iv- welcome to the wonderful life of blogging! i am looking forward to a front row seat into your life. and yes, growing up is scary! but so fun. i loved all your lessons learned and i love you more. i miss your face and cant wait to hang out with ya when i get back in town. if you ever need to get away- my door is always open. :)

Julie Young said...

I love your post! Pretty sure I've always loved your random writing even when I haven't hung out with you enough to know what you're talking about. I'll for sure keep up with your blog. You, Erika, and I (and whoever else) need to hang out more.

Portia Ames said...

OLIVIA! You always say things in the right way- Love you BFFFF ... we need to get together... soon