I faintly remember nights that were spent
Not long ago
Standing in the August breeze
on this hidden road
Looking into your eyes
You were locked on mine
We laughed, we joked
but just to pass time
You told me that you could see this
For forever and forever
I told you I hadn't felt anything
No, not ever
You showered me with words I didn't deserve
And things I couldn't keep
You told me of places that we'd go
and promised things we'd see
A fortune for lovers
finding their dream
You told me you loved me
You knew I didn't feel a thing
Now November air is heavy
And weighing down on me
I'm trying to understand
But still cant feel a thing
I thought I'd wait
To explain feelings
I thought I would
Give time for healing
The first few words
They seemed so good
Somehow I knew
This news would hurt
A ring to her finger
Words dropped like a brick
Fast and faded away
You moved on so quick
I'm pretty impressed with your writing. Do you mind if I plagiarize? Just kidding. If I was going to plagiarize I wouldn't ask, so just forget I asked when you see your writing published under my name, just forget you wrote it too.
So uh, did a certain boy you were w/ get engaged..?
I love this one. I'm glad I found your blog. You're so awesome Olivia!
i really have no idea how I happened upon your blog. But i have to say, I like your writing. it's very good! Anyway...keep it up! hope things go well for you.
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